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How should be the best PaaS provider ?

In this short article I want to enumerate all the features that should provide the best PaaS service provider, at the moment no one can cover the 100% of our requirements but we have to understand that this technology is very immature, the PaaS providers are adopting new features and growing in the right way. In the last year new technologies and open source project are changing the market, one of such technology is Docker. At the beginning the PasS was created for development environment but we see that market is requesting a PaaS to cover all the environments. Here is our wish feature list for the best PaaS .... Infrastructure - Support of regions and zones. - Linux and Windows .Net applications support - Git and SVN support. - Container customization, easy to add global environment variables to all the containers. Support proxy settings at the container level, customize firewall rules, etc. - Support the deployment of differentes kind of software, Web Applicati...

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